LMA in the Prone Position

The LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway) has been a common airway management device used by the Anesthesia community for two decades.  Because the device does not “secure” the airway like a cuffed endotracheal tube would, anesthetists are selective about the patient population and type of surgery when deciding whether or not to use the LMA.  Our international colleagues seem to have been bolder with the use of the LMA and report its use in the lateral and sitting positions.   An Article by Ng Published in Anesthesia and Analgesia reported a series of over 200 patients who were safely induced in the prone position with the LMA inserted after induction.  Click here to read the article and then return to procrna.com and leave a comment.  Let us know about your experience using the LMA in the non-supine patient.