Artificial Intelligence; Be a Transformer

AI vs leader post

By Thomas Davis, DNAP, MAE, CRNA 


Follow @procrnatom on twitter


The exponential growth of AI (artificial intelligence) has proven that computer-driven software and robotic hardware are the future for business and industry, including healthcare.  Factoid:   People cost a lot of money and a growing number of jobs can be done better by computers or robots than by expensive humans.  Replacing us with AI is a no-brainer.   Writing in, author Menggiao Liu, Ph.D. notes that by the end of 2020 five million jobs will be replaced by technology and that by 2055, fifty percent of workplace activities will be automated.  From trading online to driving driverless cars, to robotic assembly lines, the need for human decision-making and skilled labor is vanishing like a wave at high tide washing up on the beach.


Our healthcare industry has always considered itself immune from the threat of job loss due to technology; however, that will rapidly change over the next decade in a number of ways.  Much of it is already evident in the places you work. As scheduling becomes automated, fewer office staff will be needed to coordinate patient visits.  Electronic records that feed into the billing department will continue to reduce the need for medical coders.  AI analysis of patient records will detect changes in the patient’s condition early in the hospital stay and recommend treatment long before the person becomes seriously ill.  With AI driven protocols, the length of hospital stay will be shortened as will the need for nurses to staff the diminished patient load.  As AI proves its ability to read tissue slides and X-rays faster and more accurately than pathologists and radiologists can, fewer physicians in those specialties will be needed.  Even the field of anesthesia will be affected by technology as AI uses pharmacogenetics to prescribe and administer the perfect anesthetic based on the patient’s specific gene composition.


The transition from a human to a digital workforce raises the question,

“What happens to the leaders?”


Those who have an eye to the future believe that leadership will always be essential.   Traditional leaders focus on getting the team to do tasks that AI and robots will do in the future.    Leaders of the future will focus on connecting one on one with workers and forming an important bridge between those who directly serve the clients and upper level administration.   Moving into the technology-based future, traditional leadership will transform into a new style that welcomes and capitalizes on technology while maintaining a focus on the so-called “soft skills” that the computer lacks.


Technology, including AI, is here to stay and institutions are investing millions of dollars to position themselves ahead of the competition.  Employers expect their leaders at all levels embrace and utilize the new technology to the fullest extent of their capability.  Moving forward, it is essential to leverage the things that AI can do better than human workers.


What AI does best

Gather data   AI isn’t limited by the time and hassles of a manual literature or data search.  It can connect to every article ever written on a subject and collect large volumes of information in a short period of time.   Likewise, AI can filter information and gather data on a specific patient population or disease entity and sort data as directed.

Analyze data   In 2017, scientists at Mount Sinai trained AI computers by feeding 700,000 patient records into the system and then allowing the program to analyze and make conclusions.  They found that AI was very good at predicting disease including psychiatric disorders, in their patient population.   Similarly, the TREWS system at The Johns Hopkins uses AI in their ICU units to detect the earliest signs of sepsis, triggering treatment before the disease becomes life threatening.

Interpret results   Lab, X-ray and pathology findings have traditionally been reported as facts and reported as real numbers or descriptions. AI looks at slides and images, describes what is seen and then makes a diagnosis.  In addition, AI can look at trends and predict future diseases.

Recommend a course of action   Building upon interpreting results, AI takes the next step and recommends the treatment of choice based on best practice guidelines.

Implement a course of action   Depending upon the nature of the disease, AI can put recommendations into action by making follow-up appointments or scheduling future treatments with the proper specialists.


What Humans do best

Never fear.  R2D2 isn’t replacing you with its clever technical achievements, but you will have to compete to stay in the game.   Those who wish to emerge as the top leaders will need to focus on the human aspects of the job.  Leaders must demonstrate the instinct for what clients want from the organization and what workers need in order to ensure their continued engagement and loyalty.  Your job security will depend upon your skills in the following areas.

Emotional intelligence   As noted on by author Falon Fatemi, emotional intelligence starts with the ability to understand and control our own emotions followed by the ability to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others.

Adaptability   Computers are programmed, whereas, people can sense their environment and the reactions of those around them.  As we are bombarded with fresh information, leaders must be able to capitalize on opportunities and learn from mistakes.  Being willing and able to change course based on new data will be a valuable strength.

Vision   As new technologies are developed in a parallel fashion, lasting leaders will be able to assess many different platforms and establish a vision that combines several modalities; and they will do so in a manner that best meets the expectations of the client base.  Mission statements will be revised to address needs as seen through the eyes of the consumer.

Professional development    A database can store information related to continuing education, but it takes one on one interaction with a worker to learn what is important to him/her and develop a plan for personal growth.  People mentor people and AI will have difficulty functioning as a counselor or a coach.

Humility AI is what it is; highly intelligent but programmed, sterile and lacking emotion.   Admitting errors and admitting that others may know more than you do about a specific issue introduces a human emotion that computers can’t match in the high-tech workplace.

Feedback    Computers spit out numbers and report discrepancies but lack the ability to determine the cause for non-compliance or help an individual chart a course to correct a problem.  When it’s time for the boss to have a difficult conversation with an employee, human interaction is essential.


The workplace of the future will be rich with technology and have instant access to large volumes of information.  Algorithms will quickly assess data and either suggest or implement an appropriate action.  Many of the hands-on tasks that were historically done by workers, such as scheduling appointments, billing for services, or ordering supplies will be automatically done by computers.  As the nature of the work shifts, so will the role of the leader.  Rather than competing with AI, a Transformer will focus on the elements of leadership that that a bot cannot; understanding, motivating and connecting with clients and workers.


Tom is an experienced leader, author and requested speaker. 

Contact Tom for an appearance at your next meeting.

Artificial Intelligence: The future is now

AI post

By Thomas Davis, CRNA, MAE DNAP candidate

Follow @procrnatom on Twitter


“It’s likely that machines will be smarter than us before the end of the century—not just at chess or trivia questions but at just about everything, from mathematics and engineering to science and medicine.”

~ Gary Marcus, Professor/scientist, New York University



“Son, be smart and plan for the future. Get job security and land yourself a job as a conductor on a train, a great career job that will never go away.” The year 1899 was an exciting time for people who needed fast, reliable transportation and rail service appeared well up to the task of carrying its passengers into the 21st century.

Fast forward to 1999 and the same conversation suggested the child enter the field of healthcare.  After all, as long as there are people, there will be a need for healthcare caregivers.  Today, nearly two decades into the 22nd Century, though the need for caregiving remains high, the healthcare train circa 1999 has long left the station and a new train has pulled in powered by an engine called Technology.

Just as train travelers in 1899 could not imagine the 1903 debut of the flying machine, those of us in healthcare today, especially those on the frontline delivering hands-on patient care, view our future workflow through the lens of today’s practice and can’t imaging things that have not yet been invented.  Although new hardware, software and devices are continually being developed, the awesome advance in technology that will have a monumental effect on healthcare will be artificial intelligence (AI).

Take an Exciting Glimpse Into the Future…

Artificial intelligence is defined as, “…machines that respond to stimulation consistent with traditional responses from humans, given the human capacity for contemplation, judgment, and intention,” says Darrell West, Director of the Center for Technology Innovation.  Stated another way, artificial intelligence involves data bases and algorithms that think, respond as humans would, and do it faster and with more accuracy. Here are some current uses of AI in healthcare.



  • Duke University actively uses an AI based sepsis watch protocol in the emergency department. The program feeds vital signs, lab tests and patient histories into a database and opens it to digital scrutiny for analysis.  Emergency room workers are alerted when the computer detects patterns suggestive of the early onset of sepsis.
  • The Johns Hopkins has its own life-saving sepsis alert program called TREWS. The miraculous protocol is being used in the many ICUs on the Baltimore campus simultaneously tracks 27 factors related to sepsis.  Like the Duke protocol, when signs of sepsis emerge, ICU workers are alerted an intervention is initiated.
  • University of Tennessee Children’s hospital is equally committed to eradicating infection and has implemented AI in the ICU with a program like those utilized by Hopkins and Duke.  Using digital insight to analyze multiple real-time factors identifies children in the earliest stages of distress and allows healthcare providers to initiate treatment early in the process.

Disease prediction

  • Mount Sinai Hospital has explored uses of AI going back to the deep dive project of 2018. Rather than looking for a specific condition such as sepsis, the project uploaded over 700,000 medical records into a database and gave the green light for the computer to “learn as you go.”  Deep dive gave latitude for AI to assess the information in a “learn as you go” manner and report the findings.  The program was able to accurately identify individuals who were most likely to develop hypertension, diabetes or other common diseases.  An unexpected finding was the ability to predict those who would develop schizophrenia.
  • Case Western Reserve University has programmed a robot to use AI to detect emotions in people. The robot quickly detects the mood of the person at the moment as well as changes in mood and personality over time.  Currently, the robot is being taught to respond with music, video or conversation to elevate the person’s mood when depression is detected.


  • Ophthalmology The British Journal of Medicine reports that AI will continue to have a vital and expanding role in the future of ophthalmology. Digital analysis is particularly useful in diagnosing diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma.
  • Radiology The use of AI in radiology is predicted to be so successful that it will threaten the existence of the profession. The blog diagnostic imaging forecasts that AI will be able to read radiology images faster and more accurately than a radiologist.  A digital radiologist has the additional advantage of being available 24/7 to a worldwide population.
  • Pathology Similar to radiology, AI is revolutionizing the field of pathology.  Sophisticated programs are being taught to correctly identify the existing disease and will also be able to predict which cells will progress to a serious disease.


  • Pharmacogenetics Webster defines genome as the complete set of genetic material found in every cell of a person. Pharmacogenetics is the relationship of an individual’s genome to their response to pharmacologic agents.  After genetic mapping, a person’s genetic composition can be reviewed by AI to forecast their exact response to drugs.  The anesthetic of the future will be based on the ability of AI to assess the genome and then provide a detailed prescription of the best combination of medications, the exact doses, and the re-dosing interval customized to the person’s genetic profile.
  • Ventilation Ventilators are being developed which allow AI to guide mechanical ventilation. Smart ventilators will analyze physiologic data and self-adjust to provide optimal exchange of respiratory gases.  When used in an ICU setting, AI ventilators will also prescribe appropriate sedation to complement the ventilation.


Encouraging adolescents to enter the healthcare field is still solid advice, however preparation for a career on the frontline of patient care delivery will go beyond science and chemistry and will include preparation in basic digital technology.  Moving healthcare into the future will require the C-word – collaboration between physicians, nurses, technicians and artificial intelligence experts.  Designing a career path that establishes job security into the future does not involve punching tickets on a train.  It requires boarding Starship Enterprise and “going where no [human] has gone before.”

Tom is a respected author, speaker leader, and clinical anesthetist.

Contact to book a speaking engagement.