Fitness Fiscal Forecast
By Liz Sanner Davis, Certified Personal Trainer
Your workout program for 2017 may resemble the weather history of the Galaxy 7 cell phone – unhealthy here today and, Poof! dead tomorrow. January is already pushing against the heart-happy, founding father’s birth month and this question quickly comes to mind. How many of you healthcare leaders out there started a January fitness program with your staff or for them, and how many of you are already sleeping in or sleeping it off? Fair questions. It’s easy to set up a contest, challenge the plebes, appoint a progress reporter and offer a prize, feign support and then go on about your busy business of leading. After all, your top-dog position entitles you to a few things like covered parking, private office, dinner meetings, football tickets; doesn’t that level of privilege also mean you and your health are your business? Shouldn’t you get to skip out on your own workout if you worked 14 hours yesterday? Isn’t it okay- heck, wasn’t it expected – that you drink two gin-t’s at the First Friday Leader’s Conference Kick-off dinner and catch some z’s while your dedicated team walked four miles without you in 35 degrees the next morning?
Nope, not okay. In fact, a worthy leader has a deep and well-maintained level of integrity or s/he should not have been selected for leadership.
It’s your job to lead by example. You can fake it or put your heart into it, your choice, but it’s still your job. Especially in healthcare, you have an accepted responsibility to your co-workers to be fit and healthy, to appear energetic and ready to rock ‘n roll every single day. And if you don’t see it that way, move over Rover and let someone with equal leadership skills but superior wellness ethics take your place.
Most health care teams would rather have a leader with crooked teeth who plays straight than a boss with straight teeth who plays crooked. If you implemented a wellness program for your staff, review and revamp it. Be an honest, straight forward leader and join your team on the walking path to wellness. Follow up and follow through in the same manner that you approach all team goals. Your fiscal fitness forecast should read: Sunny and healthy today, sunny and here tomorrow.
Liz Sanner Davis is a certified personal trainer, writer and regular contributor to Frontline Synergy. She is married to Tom S Davis, author, healthcare leadership and team developer, speaker and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.